Aims and objective

1. Represent the interests and promote the image of the European Fruit Juice Industry in all its contacts with EU Institutions and other relevant organisations and stakeholders;
2. Support and lobby European Union Institutions on all aspects of policy and legislation affecting the production, marketing, sales and trade in fruit juices and nectars in the EU;
3. Defend and promote juices as nutritious products which are an integral part of a healthy diet, through the Fruit Juice Matters programme;
4. Encourage and support, through the Juice CSR Platform, juice companies to integrate corporate social responsibility in all stages in their supply chain;
5. Provide, in collaboration with the Union of European Juice Control Systems (EJCS), mechanisms and instruments securing safe and authentic goods in order to maintain and increase consumer confidence in the good and healthy image of fruit and vegetable juices and nectars;
6. Inform and advise the fruit juice industry on all aspects of European legislation likely to affect their businesses;
7. Liaise with national, regional and worldwide interests representing the fruit juice industry to foster and achieve overall AIJN objectives.