Report from the Juice CSR Platform delegation trip to Brazil

In Aug 2018 a delegation of almost all members of the Working Group 1 of the Juice CSR Platform had a trip to Brazil to meet various stakeholders, from fruit growers and processors to specialised institutes, certifying bodies and governement experts.
Objectives of this trip were multiple:
- To establish a partnership approach between stakeholders who are committed to working together to drive the sustainability agenda
- To start a dialogue aiming for a better and broader shared understanding of the sector and of the Brazilian and International perspectives on sustainability.
- To obtain an up-to-date, shared and wider / balanced overview of how work is done, i.e. working conditions, during production and processing, through visits to various production, processing and research sites
- To get a broader and better understanding of existing CSR initiatives in the Brazilian citrus sector and discuss how to promote and communicate these through the Platform / WG
- To walk away with an aligned vision for a partnership approach and how we take this forward